Intricate. The stuff of ladies. A handkerchief to drop for a gentleman. A doily for an end table.
An edge for a tablecloth, a curtain, or a wedding dress. Filigreed jewelry mimics the design and
the coiffed curls in an up-do. Nature likes simplicity, every angle of the spider’s web useful.
Only weeds grow wild, spinning lavish patterns, taking over homes with their tendrils.
The Nature of Lace

JULIE BROOKS BARBOUR’s chapbook, Come To Me and Drink, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press in 2012. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming UCity Review, Waccamaw, Kestrel, and Bigger Than They Appear: Anthology of Very Short Poems. She teaches creative writing and composition at Lake Superior State University where she is co-editor of the journal Border Crossing.