The boy who is almost a man comes up to me in the airport at 2 a.m. in his military camouflage and says he missed his flight to Germany. Reeking alcohol and asking for a lighter, he sits next to me and asks me where I’m going. I take a risk—say home, Louisville Kentucky. To which he slurs fucking Kentucky? You’re from fucking Kentucky? Nobody’s from Kentucky. To which I say, I’ve never disliked someone so much within the first 20 seconds of meeting them. To which he says, let me buy you a drink. To which I say no. To which he says do I have to make you. To which I say no. To which he says I have to force you. To which I say no, I am not afraid of you (as in: I am willing to fight death). To which he says why not. And I note there is no one else here and eye the fluorescent exit, its sliding doors into the midnight. I hold my phone in front of my face like a shield, looking for a portal. He tells me I’m not like any girl he’s ever met. To which I say what do you mean. To which he says intelligent. To which I say that leads me to conclude that you have never met a girl before. And I pray for all the girls and women he has ever met. I reach for silence until the 3 a.m. airport staff arrive, and leave him to find his flight to the country where you can buy a loose cigarette on every corner, so he told me, demanding wait! as I escape back. Somewhere there is a military boy who is almost a man telling his military almost men friends about the intelligent girl from Kentucky while they laugh, throw a cigarette into the dust and ask for the next joke.
On Being From Nobody

MACKENZIE BERRY is from Louisville, Kentucky. Her poetry has been published in Vinyl, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Hobart, and Blood Orange Review, among others. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison through the First Wave Program and Goldsmiths, University of London, she is pursuing an MFA in Poetry at Cornell University. Her debut poetry collection Slack Tongue City is forthcoming from Sundress Publications in 2022. You can find her work at