
by Amy Pence

If the cat had                                         Enraptured
not struck down
the bird, would I                                       by the cyclamen’s
have seen the fine                                     winged inversions—
    quiver in its
      smallest down:                                     Or am I not struck
            gray                                               because
            there,                                             I too am
            infinitesimal                      found


AMY PENCE authored the poetry collections Armor, Amour (Ninebark Press, 2012) and The Decadent Lovely (Main Street Rag, 2010). Her hybrid work on Emily Dickinson [It] Incandescent was a finalist for Tupelo Press’s Snowbound Chapbook Award and the Colorado Prize for Poetry, and her essay on Dickinson and her biographers appeared in The Writer’s Chronicle. She lives with her husband and her daughter in Carrollton, Georgia.